Tilleke Schwarz

Tilleke Schwarz, an artist in the Netherlands, creates these wonderful collaged embroideries. The bits and parts are sometimes layered, sometimes juxtaposed and invite the viewer to explore.

Title: Beware of Embroidery

Size: 70 x 70 cm.

Embroidery on linen

I love the way she incorporates the text. There is a story to read and a story found in connecting all the images.

Title: Count Your Blessings

Embroidery on linen

Title: Count Your Blessings (detail)

Embroidery on linen

Title: Mark Making

Size:67 x 65 cm

Embroidery on linen

~ by karinrebekah on September 25, 2008.

4 Responses to “Tilleke Schwarz”

  1. Wow! These are gorgeous – thanks for sharing them. I’ve been wanting to play around with some embroidery ideas after I found a sketch embroidery book at a Japanese book store in Portland. Seeing stuff like this is *highly* inspirational. Thanks!:)

  2. Absolutely amazing, they are like fantastic layered prints but made out of thread. I just love them thanks so much for posting them!

  3. Thank you for your kind comments!
    Did you know that there is a book too. For more information see my website,


  4. […] The embroidered collages of Tilleke Schwarz will give you the urge to improvise, experiment, and take joy in stitching. See a review of her work on stitch spectacular blog. […]

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